レシピ情報:Grade 3 Skybuilders 마이리스트 창 원가 계산 잘 보면 아이템

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완성 항목 이름 클래스 Lv 재료 / 레시피   아이템 설명
Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Plywood Grade 3 Skybuilders' Plywood×1
item 목공 사20바람 샤드 바람 샤×2 얼음 샤드 얼음 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Switch Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Switch×5
주목나무 원목 주목나무 원목×1 [원:20]
MiscellanySome pieces of plywood have a thin veneer covering the surface to give the impression of being made from actual wood. This specimen, however, harbors no such pretensions and is every bit as cheap as it looks.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Alloy Grade 3 Skybuilders' Alloy×1
item 대장장이20불 샤드 불꽃 샤×2 땅 샤드 흙 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore×5
철 광석 철 광석×1 [굴:15]
MiscellanyThe favored alloy of the hoi polloi.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Steel Plate Grade 3 Skybuilders' Steel Plate×1
item 갑옷 사20얼음 샤드 얼음 샤×2 땅 샤드 흙 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ore×5
철 광석 철 광석×1 [굴:15]
MiscellanyDespite the name, this is not a robust, metallic piece of tableware. The main reason it is unsuited to such a purpose is that there is nothing to stop peas from rolling off the edge.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ingot Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ingot×1
item 조금 사20바람 샤드 바람 샤×2 불 샤드 불꽃 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Bomb Ash Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash×5
철 광석 철 광석×1 [굴:15]
MiscellanyThough ingots are fairly ubiquitous in most forms of metalworking, far less commonly seen is a variation known as an outgot, which is exactly the same but upside down.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Leather Grade 3 Skybuilders' Leather×1
item 가죽 세공20땅 샤드 흙 샤×2 바람 샤드 바람 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Switch Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Switch×5
큰뿔염소 생가죽 큰뿔염소 생가죽×1
MiscellanyWhen choosing the name, the skybuilders were far more concerned with assigning a grade than specifying the animal from which the leather originally came. It does smell a bit like goat, if that is anything to go by.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rope Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rope×1
item 재봉사20번개 샤드 번개 샤×2 바람 샤드 바람 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hemp Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hemp×5
밀짚 밀짚×1 [원:15]
MiscellanyThis is what string wants to be when it grows up.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ink Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ink×1
item 연금술사20물 샤드 물 샤×2 번개 샤드 번개 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Bomb Ash Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bomb Ash×5
토끼거머리 산액 토끼거머리 산액×1
Miscellany"If you took away my paper, I would write on my heart. If you took away my ink, I would write on the wind. ...It wouldn't be an ideal way to work."─Unknown author, dreamweaver, visionary, plus actor

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hemp Milk Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hemp Milk×1
item 조리사20불 샤드 불꽃 샤×2 물 샤드 물 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hemp Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hemp×5
메이플 시럽 메이플 시럽×1 [조:1]
MiscellanyBeing made from plant extracts, this refreshing beverage stretches the definition of what is normally considered to be milk. Then again, if seahorses and starfish are anything to go by, names can often be misleading.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Crate Grade 3 Skybuilders' Crate×1
item 목공 사40바람 샤드 바람 샤×4 얼음 샤드 얼음 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ebony Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ebony Log×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rock Salt Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rock Salt×5
미스릴 주괴 미스릴 주괴×1 [단조:38]
MiscellanyWith all the crates scattered around the Firmament, the skybuilders have need of a means of storing them. It is for this exact purpose that this particular container was designed. Calls for it to be renamed the "crate crate" have been largely ignored.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Nails Grade 3 Skybuilders' Nails×1
item 대장장이40불 샤드 불꽃 샤×4 땅 샤드 흙 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Titanium Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hardsilver Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand×5
경철 광석 경철 광석×2 [굴:50]
MiscellanyEven a simple table leg can be transformed into a deadly bludgeon by hammering a few of these nails into the end. Perfect for adventurers on a tight budget.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rivets Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rivets×1
item 갑옷 사40얼음 샤드 얼음 샤×4 땅 샤드 흙 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Titanium Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hardsilver Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand×5
경철 광석 경철 광석×2 [굴:50]
MiscellanySome may argue that rivets are nothing more than nails without the pointy bit.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rings Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rings×1
item 조금 사40바람 샤드 바람 샤×4 불 샤드 불꽃 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Titanium Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Titanium Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hardsilver Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hardsilver Sand×5
호박금 광석 호박금 광석×2 [굴:45]
MiscellanyThese metal rings can apparently be joined and unjoined at will, though the only people capable of such a feat are sleight of hand artists. The skybuilders, however, are reluctant to employ such unscrupulous characters for fear of them fleecing the other workers, leaving these rings in a decidedly unjoined state.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Leather Straps Grade 3 Skybuilders' Leather Straps×1
item 가죽 세공40땅 샤드 흙 샤×4 바람 샤드 바람 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Ebony Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Ebony Log×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cotton Boll Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cotton Boll×5
독뿔도마뱀 생가죽 독뿔도마뱀 생가죽×2
MiscellanyWhen times are hard, many of the poor resort to eating leather to survive. Cutting said material into strips beforehand makes it somewhat easier to digest, or at the very least, easier to chew.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cloth Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cloth×1
item 재봉사40번개 샤드 번개 샤×4 바람 샤드 바람 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cotton Boll Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cotton Boll×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Sesame Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Sesame×5
털실 털실×2 [법원:38]
MiscellanyIn most regions, people dress according to their personal preferences. In Ishgard, people dress according to their need to not freeze to death. Cloth such as this is as essential to survival as basic sustenance, if not more, as the cold will kill you faster than an empty stomach.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Plant Oil Grade 3 Skybuilders' Plant Oil×1
item 연금술사40물 샤드 물 샤×4 번개 샤드 번개 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Sesame Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Sesame×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rock Salt Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rock Salt×5
겨우살이 겨우살이×2 [원:45]
MiscellanyThe people of Ishgard have endless uses for plant oil, though the local climate is less than ideal for the cultivation of said plants, or anything to cook using said oil, for that matter.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Sesame Cookie Grade 3 Skybuilders' Sesame Cookie×1
item 조리사40불 샤드 불꽃 샤×4 물 샤드 물 샤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Sesame Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Sesame×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Rock Salt Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Rock Salt×5
밀가루 밀가루×3 [조:7]
MiscellanyIn order to be classed as grade 3, each cookie must contain a certain number of sesame seeds. Needless to say, counting them is one of the most tedious tasks undertaken by the skybuilders, though it works remarkably well as a cure for insomnia.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Grinding Wheel Grade 3 Skybuilders' Grinding Wheel×1
item 목공 사60바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lauan Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lauan Log×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Alumen Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Alumen×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Siltstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone×5
티타늄 덩어리 티타늄 덩어리×1 [단조:54]
MiscellanyPrimarily used for filing down the various materials used in goldsmithing, as well as providing an effective─though not especially portable─means of keeping fingernails short.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Pickaxe Grade 3 Skybuilders' Pickaxe×1
item 대장장이60불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Siltstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand×5
어둠밤나무 목재 어둠밤나무 목재×1 [나무:54]
MiscellanyUseful not only for clearing rocks and debris, but also for dispatching any creatures that may emerge. In the case of Copperbell Mines, however, such creatures are often armed with pickaxes of their own.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cookpot Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cookpot×1
item 갑옷 사60얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lauan Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lauan Log×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Alumen Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Alumen×5
백운모 숫돌 백운모 숫돌×1 [조각:56]
MiscellanyCan also be used as a makeshift bathtub by Lalafells, provided they refrain from sloshing water everywhere by making the pot sway back and forth.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Embroidery Frame Grade 3 Skybuilders' Embroidery Frame×1
item 조금 사60바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Vine Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Vine×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand×5
백운모 숫돌 백운모 숫돌×1 [조각:56]
MiscellanyThough there is little discernible difference between the grade 2 and grade 3 embroidery frames, the name alone strongly implies that this version is infinitely superior.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Leather Sack Grade 3 Skybuilders' Leather Sack×1
item 가죽 세공60땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Leaves Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Toad Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Toad×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Spring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Spring Water×5
청마실 청마실×2 [법원:54]
MiscellanyIf one of the workers in the Firmament is given one of these sacks, it should be taken as meaning "pack up your things and leave." Ishgard maintains the tradition of literally giving someone the sack when their employment has been terminated.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Broom Grade 3 Skybuilders' Broom×1
item 재봉사60번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lauan Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lauan Log×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mistletoe Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mistletoe×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Vine Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Vine×5
밀짚 밀짚×2 [원:15]
MiscellanyThose who believe the tales of witches flying around on broomsticks have obviously never tried flying one for themselves. They take to the air about as well as a heavily armored Temple Knight takes to water, which is to say, not very.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Holy Water Grade 3 Skybuilders' Holy Water×1
item 연금술사60물 크리스탈 마름×4 번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mistletoe Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mistletoe×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Spring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Spring Water×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Toad Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Toad×5
운향풀 운향풀×2 [원:56]
MiscellanyBelieved to cure zombification. Grade 3 is claimed to grant a full recovery, whereas grade 2 only delays the onset of the symptoms, and grade 1 merely replaces the need to feast on the flesh of the living with a craving for copious amounts of bacon.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea×1
item 조리사60불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 물 크리스탈 마름×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mistletoe Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mistletoe×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Leaves Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves×5
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Spring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Spring Water×5
태양 레몬 태양 레몬×2 [원:20]
MiscellanyA grade 3 cup is stirred using a figure of eight motion, rather than the traditional circular movement used for the grade 2 variety. Claims that this has any discernible effect on the flavor are largely regarded as nonsense, however.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Stepladder Grade 3 Skybuilders' Stepladder×1
item 목공 사70바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lauan Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lauan Log×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Vine Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Vine×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Alumen Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Alumen×10
도마철 주괴 도마철 주괴×1 [단조:64]
MiscellanyPerhaps when man and dragon have formed a stronger bond of trust, the skybuilders may take to the air on dragonback to perform all manner of tasks at higher altitudes. Until that day, mankind will just have to rely on good, old-fashioned stepladders.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Crosscut Saw Grade 3 Skybuilders' Crosscut Saw×1
item 대장장이70불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Siltstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand×10
소나무 목재 소나무 목재×1 [나무:64]
MiscellanyExtremely effective at producing sawdust. Also cuts wood.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mesail Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mesail×1
item 갑옷 사70얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Ore×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Siltstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand×10
호랑이 가죽 호랑이 가죽×1 [가죽:64]
MiscellanyThis would be perfect for protecting one's eyes from flying sparks while performing metalwork─the task it was primarily designed for─were it not for the large eyeholes.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Stone Grade 3 Skybuilders' Stone×1
item 조금 사70바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Siltstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Siltstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Diadem Iron Sand Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Diadem Iron Sand×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Alumen Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Alumen×10
점판암 숫돌 점판암 숫돌×1 [조각:61]
MiscellanyDespite its abundance in Coerthas, the skybuilders are quick to remind others that "stone like this doesn't grow on trees." Factually accurate, yes. Logically sound, not so much.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Longboots Grade 3 Skybuilders' Longboots×1
item 가죽 세공70땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Toad Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Toad×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Leaves Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Vine Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Vine×10
갈포천 갈포천×1 [법원:64]
MiscellanyIn other parts of Hydaelyn, people would consider wearing two pairs of socks ample protection against the cold. In Coerthas, it is common to wear two pairs of boots, one over the other, as well as maybe a couple more pairs of socks for good measure.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Gloves Grade 3 Skybuilders' Gloves×1
item 재봉사70번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Vine Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Vine×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mistletoe Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mistletoe×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Spring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Spring Water×10
호랑이 가죽 호랑이 가죽×1 [가죽:64]
MiscellanyFor those wondering what the distinction between the grade 2 and grade 3 varieties might be, they need only smell the glove.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Soap Grade 3 Skybuilders' Soap×1
item 연금술사70물 크리스탈 마름×4 번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lauan Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lauan Log×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Mistletoe Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Mistletoe×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Leaves Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves×10
곰 기름 곰 기름×2
MiscellanyWhen strategically placed on the floor, a wet bar of soap can be used to form a makeshift death trap for offing heiresses and the like.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] All-purpose Infusion Grade 3 Skybuilders' All-purpose Infusion×1
item 조리사70불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 물 크리스탈 마름×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Tea Leaves Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Tea Leaves×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Toad Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Toad×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Spring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Spring Water×10
성스러운 바질 성스러운 바질×2 [원:65]
MiscellanyWhereas many concoctions are said to prevent various ailments, this one supposedly prevents all manner of accidents. In addition to drinking the recommended daily dose, one must avoid physical exertion, unnecessary excursions, and anything even remotely resembling danger to enjoy the effects of the infusion to their fullest.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Bed Grade 3 Skybuilders' Bed×1
item 목공 사80바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cedar Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cedar Log×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Wheat Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Wheat×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Gossamer Cotton Boll Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Gossamer Cotton Boll×10
Ovim Wool Ovim Wool×1 [법원:76]
MiscellanyBed, bedder, bedst.Never let it rest.'Til your bed is bedder, and your bedder bedst.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Oven Grade 3 Skybuilders' Oven×1
item 대장장이80불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Aurum Regis Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hard Mudstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cedar Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cedar Log×10
Titanbronze Nugget Titanbronze Nugget×1 [조각:76]
MiscellanyLarge enough to fit a whole witch inside.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Lamppost Grade 3 Skybuilders' Lamppost×1
item 갑옷 사80얼음 크리스탈 얼음 밤×4 땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Aurum Regis Ore Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Aurum Regis Ore×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hard Mudstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Fossil Dust Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust×10
Titanbronze Nugget Titanbronze Nugget×1 [조각:76]
MiscellanyKeep this lamppost away from dogs, or alternatively, keep dogs away from this lamppost. Whichever is more feasible.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Brazier Grade 3 Skybuilders' Brazier×1
item 조금 사80바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×4 불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Hard Mudstone Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Hard Mudstone×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Fossil Dust Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Fossil Dust×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Resin Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Resin×10
Titanbronze Ingot Titanbronze Ingot×1 [단조:76]
MiscellanyThis traditional cooking apparatus offers Ishgardians the opportunity to enjoy two of their favorite pastimes: fried meat and not freezing to death.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Overalls Grade 3 Skybuilders' Overalls×1
item 가죽 세공80땅 크리스탈 토요일 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Adder Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Adder×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Cedar Log Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Cedar Log×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Gossamer Cotton Boll Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Gossamer Cotton Boll×10
Ovim Wool Ovim Wool×1 [법원:76]
MiscellanyOverall the best thing to wear over all of one's clothes.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Awning Grade 3 Skybuilders' Awning×1
item 재봉사80번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×4 바람 크리스탈 바람 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Gossamer Cotton Boll Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Gossamer Cotton Boll×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Resin Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Resin×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Truespring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Truespring Water×10
Sandteak Lumber Sandteak Lumber×1 [나무:76]
MiscellanyProtects one's eyes from the glaring sunlight, should any of it manage to find its way through the layers of dense cloud that hang almost perpetually over Ishgard.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Growth Formula Grade 3 Skybuilders' Growth Formula×1
item 연금술사80물 크리스탈 마름×4 번개 크리스탈 번개 밤×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Adder Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Adder×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Finest Rock Salt Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Finest Rock Salt×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Truespring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Truespring Water×10
Hoptrap Leaf Hoptrap Leaf×4
MiscellanyThe original creator claims it works on almost anything, within reason. Stone, for example, stubbornly refuses to grow no matter how much formula is applied.

Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Stew Grade 3 Skybuilders' Stew×1
item 조리사80불 크리스탈 불꽃 밤×4 물 크리스탈 마름×2
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Wheat Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Wheat×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Truespring Water Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Truespring Water×10
Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders[@SC] Finest Rock Salt Approved Grade 3 Skybuilders' Finest Rock Salt×10
Rail Tenderloin Rail Tenderloin×4
MiscellanyThe grade 3 stew actually contains ingredients with names other than "dunno" or "not sure, but it was definitely dead when I threw it in."

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